Is het niet vreemd hoe een briefje van 20 euro zo’n groot bedrag lijkt wanneer je het aan de tempel doneert, maar dat het zo’n klein bedrag lijkt wanneer je gaat winkelen?…
Uitnodiging viering Sri Radhastmi met Srimad BV Muni Maharaja en Haribhakti Dey op vrijdag 9 september 2016
Beste mensen, Hierbij worden jullie uitgenodigd voor de viering van Sri Radhastmi samen met Srimad BV Muni Maharaja en Haribhakti Dey op vrijdag 9 september 2016 van 19:00 – 22:30. Locatie: Bhakti…
Invitation Vyasa Puja Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaj 2 Sept 2016 & Radhasthami 9 Sept 2016 with Srimad B V Muni Maharaj
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! Dear devotees, You are all humbly invited for Vyasa Puja Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaj this evening starting 19:00 and Radhathami 9 September starting 18:00,…
Goatis dairy is antimicrobial and it is being analyzed to take care of diarrhea by natives
Consequently, we’ve released a completely new service where our professional article writers may cope with your homework. Among the most regular guidelines for new writers is constantly to create what you understand….
Invitation 30-08-2016 Hari Katha Srimad B V Muni Maharaj
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga, Dear devotees, Srimad Bhakti Vedanta Muni Maharaj will give Hari Katha in the house of Bhakta Robert (30-08-2016). You are all welcome to join us from 19:00….
Invitation: Evening Darshan with Srimad Bhakti Vedanta Muni Maharaj
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga, Dear devotees, Srimad Bhakti Vedanta Muni Maharaj will give darshan in our humble Bhakti Kunj this evening (29-08-2016). You are all welcome to join us….
Invitation Vyasa Puja Srila Prabhupada with Srimad B V Muni Maharaj 26 August 2016
All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga! Following the great Krishna Janmasthami celebration yesterday, you are all humbly invited to celebrate Vyasa Puja Srila Prabhupada with Srimad Bhakti Vedanta Muni Maharaj…
Uitnodiging viering Sri Krishna Janmashtami op donderdag 25 augustus 2016
Bhakti Holland nodigt u van harte uit op donderdag 25 augustus 2016 om de speciale avond bij te wonen ter gelegenheid van Sri Krishna Janmashtami; het geboortefeest van Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Speciale…
Jagannath Ratha Yatra organised by Bhakti-Holland is on TV!
Dandavat pranams, All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! Proudly we share with you this beautiful film production made by Saraswatiarts TV. Jagannath Ratha Yatra Festival by Bhakti-Holland Hope you all like…